DSRVS 340 Apprentice Vacancy Online Form

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Online applications are invited from ELIGIBLE and desirous candidates for engagement of Act Apprentices
under the Apprentices Act 1961 for imparting training at various Across India Divisions/Units/Workshops over
dsrvs. Imparting Training in dsrvs will not confer any right to the candidates for their absorption in dsrvs after
successful completion of training. It shall not be obligatory on the part of the employer to offer any
employment to the Apprentice on completion of period of his/her apprenticeship training in his / her
establishment. Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit ONLINE application much before the
closing date, to avoid possible inability/failure to log on to the website of dsrvs on account of heavy load on
the internet or website jam during last days. dsrvs does not accept any responsibility for the candidates not
being able to submit their application within the last day on account of aforesaid reasons or any other reason.
DSRVS, as a measure of Skill Building Initiative for the Nation, invites applications for engagement as Trade
Apprentices under Apprentices Act, 1961 / 1973 (as amended from time to time) in the designated / optional
trades mentioned below: –


Digital Shiksha and Rojgar Vikas Sansthan 

Apprentice Post Recruitment 2022 (Online Form)

Advt No : DRC/01/2022 Short Details of Notification


Important Dates

  • Starting Date : 25/03/2022
  • Last Date : 24/04/2022 11:59 PM
  • Exam Date : To be declared later on
  • Notification Date: 10.03.2022

Application Fee

  • General / OBC / EWS : 500/-
  • SC / ST / PH : 300/-
  • Payment  : Online Mode

Age Limit

  • Age Limit : 18-35 Years
  • Age Limit as on 24/04/2022
  • Age Relaxation Extra as per Rules

Mode of Selection:

1. Screening & Scrutiny of the application.
2. Selection for engagement of apprentices would be based on percentage (%) of marks in the qualifying
3. Filling up of the seats is solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates
     and no claim will arise for engagement, if some of these seats are not filled due to
     unsuitability/insufficient number of candidates.
4. The candidature of the applicant would be provisional, subject to subsequent verification of
    certificates/testimonials and submission of certificate of medical fitness (to be obtained only from a
    gazette government medical officer/medical officer of a government undertaking) at the time of

Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Paper Questions Marks Total Mark Duration
1. General Studies and Reasoning.  Questions- 60.
2. Arithmetical & Numerical Ability.  Questions- 10.
3. Test of English Language & Comprehension.  Questions – 10.      Total Mark 200. , Duration – 90 Minute 


1. Negative Marking will be applicable and deduction of 1/3 marks will be made for each wrong MCQ answer.
2. The Board reserves its right to prescribe a minimum cut off mark for any post as per availability of
3. It is necessary to qualify in all parts with a qualified percentage for this exam.
4. Minimum qualifying percentage is 40 percent for all categories.
5. Cut-off Score (Online Examination)
Each candidate will be required to obtain a minimum score in each test of Online examination and also a
minimum total score to be considered to be shortlisted for next process. Depending on the number of
vacancies available, cut-offs will be decided and candidates will be shortlisted. Prior to the completion of the
all process, scores obtained in the online examination will not be shared with the candidates shortlisted for
next process.

Part 1 (General Studies and Reasoning):-
Subject Name :- Current Affairs, Book, Sports, Awards, International & National Organizations, Budget, Indian
History, Indian Geography, Culture, Environment, Indian Economy, General Science, Political and Public
Relation, Information Technology , General Computer Science.
Subejct Name :- Analogies, Similarities and differences, Space visualization, Spatial orientation, Problem
solving,Analysis,Judgment,Decision making, Visual memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship
concepts,,Arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, Arithmetic number series, Non-verbal series, Coding
and decoding,Statement conclusion, Syllogistic reasoning, semantic analogy, Symbolic/number analogy, Figural
analogy,Semantic classification, Symbolic/number classification, Figural classification, Semantic series, Number
series,Figural series,Word building,Coding & de-coding, Numerical operations, Symbolic
operations,Trends,Space orientation, Venn diagrams, Drawing inferences, Punched hole/pattern –folding &
unfolding,Figural pattern – folding and completion,Indexing,Address matching, Date & city
matching,Classification of centre codes/roll numbers,Small & capital letters/numbers coding, decoding and
classification, Decoding and classification, Embedded figures, Critical thinking, Emotional intelligence,Social

Part 2 (Arithmetical & Numerical Ability):-Subejct Name :- Computation of whole numbers,Decimals,,Fractions and relationships between
numbers,Percentage, ratio & proportion,,Square roots,Averages,Interest,Profit and loss,Discount,Partnership
business,Mixture and allegation,Time and distance,Time & work,Basic algebraic identities of school algebra &
elementary surds,,Graphs of linear equations,,Triangle and its various kinds of centres,,Congruence and
similarity of triangles,Circle and its chords,Tangents,Angles subtended by chords of a circle,Common tangents
to two or more circles,Triangle,Quadrilaterals,Regular polygons,Circle,Right prism,Right circular cone,Right
circular cylinder,Sphere,Hemispheres,Rectangular parallelepiped,Regular right pyramid with triangular or
square base,,Trigonometric ratio,Degree and radian measures,Standard identities,Complementary
angles,Heights and distances,Histogram,Frequency polygon,Bar diagram & pie chart.

Part 3 (Test of English Language & Comprehension):-
Subejct Name :-Spelling Test,Sentence Arrangement,Error Correction (Underlined
Part),Transformation,Passage Completion,prepositions,Sentence Improvement,Spotting
Errors,Antonyms,Homonyms,Synonyms,Word Formation,Direct and Indirect speech,Active and Passive
Voice,Para Completion,Idioms and Phrases,substitution,Joining Sentences,Theme Detection,Topic
rearrangement of passage,Error Correction (Phrase in Bold),Fill in the blanks,Data Interpretation,Spelling
Test,Sentence Completion,Sentence Arrangement.

Total : 340 Post
Post Name Total Post Technical and Academic Eligibility
Content Writer 186
  • 12th Class Passed
  • Any Computer Diploma
Office Assistant 48
  • 12th Class Passed
  • Any Computer Diploma
DEO (Data Entry Operator) 106
  • 12th Class Passed
  • Any Computer Diploma

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